Mom Village:
Support Groups for Decolonizing Moms
Mom Village: Support Groups for Decolonizing Moms was created to meet the needs of our community’s growing awareness of the challenges faced by new parents, mothers in particular, toward being well as they adjust to the demands of their new role. Our offerings include in-person groups in San Jose, California and virtual group support for parents EVERYWHERE.
What is
Mom Village?
Our groups are for “decolonizing moms,” meaning that they are geared towards new mothers and parents who value resisting oppressive messaging and systems that are harmfully normalized in mainstream Western society, causing unnecessary harm to our human psyches during one of the most intense and challenging periods of our life. Decolonizing is a lifelong practice. Decolonizing is healing work for oneself and for generations to come.
Even if you are new to decolonizing and/or social justice work, if the above resonates with you, we invite you into our Mom Village! And for moms and parents who have been on this journey for a while, we are honored to benefit from your wisdom and to have you continue your decolonizing practice alongside our community.
Some of our groups are structured as limited series (each lasting 5-6 weeks/sessions) facilitated by a licensed or associate psychotherapist, each focused on a particular topic or subpopulation in motherhood and parenthood. Other groups are ongoing and accept new members on a rolling basis.
Pricing Options Grounded in Social Justice
Our support groups are grounded in the value of social justice and an intention of decolonizing institutions where systemic oppression tends to get repeated—such as in education and health/mental health care. To that end, it is important to make our groups accessible, while also honoring the labor and ability to thrive of the facilitators. For these reasons, Mom Village support groups 1) are FREE with an option to donate any amount you wish, or 2) when they cost a fee, we offer registrants the ability to choose the fee that is best for them, in consideration of several personal characteristics and circumstances as outlined in the detailed description of each group.
No matter your fee, you will get the FULL experience of the group.