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Kara - Grief Support - Palo Alto, CA
link: https://kara-grief.org/
Free / donations accepted
For Children & Adults
Individual support
Support groups, including for: survivors of suicide, death of a child, death of a sibling, death of a partner/spouse, death of a parent; young adults, men’s group, drop in group
Center for Living with Dying
A Program of the Bill Wilson Center
Grief Support at Bill Wilson Center in San Jose and Santa Clara Co.
link: https://www.billwilsoncenter.org/services/all/living.html
Free/ sliding scale
For Children & Adults
Individual support
Support Groups
Cancer CARE Point
Cancer CAREpoint | CARE for Cancer Patients in the Bay Area
Individual counseling
Support groups
Support for survivors/people in remission
Nutrition classes
Meditation/guided imagery classes
Movement/exercise classes (yoga, chi gong)
Wig & head covering
Billy DeFrank Center
Home (defrankcenter.org)
Community Events, including specific ones for older adults
Discussion groups, examples: Asian & queer; transmen, +
12 step program meetings (AA, Crystal Meth anonymous)
HIV Testing
Activist organizing opportunities
The Q Corner’s Services & outside Referral List
Theqcorner | Facebook | Linktree
Trans/NB support groups
Discussion forums, including: facial surgeries for trans folks
Trans tape access
Vietnamese queer resources
Disabled and queer support group
White Peony Acupuncture
Roots Community Health Center
Roots Community Health Center(SB)Women of Wellness Events | Eventbrite
Events/groups for women, (new) moms, + re: mental health, sex, financial literacy, etc.
Afro-centric organization
In Oakland & San Jose
1898 The Alameda, San Jose, CA 95126
(408) 490-4710
Medical and behavioral health care
Health navigation
Workforce enterprises
Re-entry post-incarceration services
Behavioral health:
Individual and Group Counseling
Lifestyle Change Support
Mental Illness Prevention, Diagnosis, and Management
Addiction Support and Counseling
Grief Counseling
Free trainings / resources to increase Black mothers and birthing people’s health & wellness
Black Infant Health
Many BIHs exist across CA
General Website: Black Infant Health – Empowering Pregnant and Mothering Black Women
Santa Clara Specific Website: Black Infant Health (BIH) - Public Health - County of Santa Clara (sccgov.org)
Eligible population
• Pregnant African/African American women
• African/African American mothers with an infant under 6 months of age
• 16 years of age or older
• Santa Clara County residents
• Services are at no cost for any eligible participants no matter their income
• Pregnancy and new mom groups (virtual/in-person options)
• Support in reaching personal goals
• Access to helpful resources
• Connection with a personal BIH Public Health Nurse
1. Google - Therapy today online
2. Google- Better Help online
3. Psychology Today - https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/california?category=online-counseling
4. Call Mindpath Health
5.Peace it together
Mental Health Services - We Offer Telehealth & Teleconference Services - Peace-It-Together
6. Open Path therapy
7. Gronowski center
8. Los Gatos therapy center
Alameda Family Services
English and Spanish
Hayward Youth and Family Services
English and Spanish
La Familia Counseling Services
English and Spanish
Multi-lingual Counseling Center
English and Spanish, Farsi, and Dari
Union City Youth and Families
English and Spanish
City of Fremont Youth and Family Services
English, Spanish, Mandarin, Hindi, and Dari
For more mental health services in Alameda County, please visit https://www.acoe.org/mentalhealth or scan the QR code below.
Palo Alto Medical Foundation (Palo Alto) Psychiatry Department, 650-853-2904
Local Psychiatrists
1. Ed Kovachy, MD (Menlo Park): anxiety; cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
2. Pamela Carlton, MD (Mountain View): adolescent eating disorders
3. Justin Birnbaum, MD (Stanford): Geropsychiatry
4. Bharat Bhushan, MD (Palo Alto): Pain, addiction
5. Bao Chang, MD (Portola Valley): pyschopharmacology; medication management
6. Ben Flores, MD (Palo Alto): Anxiety, depression, bipolar, medication management
7. Michael Greicius, MD (Stanford): Stanford Memory Center
8. Eric Rothenberg, MD (Menlo Park): medication management and CBT
Local Pychologists
1. Hildy Augustin, PhD (Menlo Park): neuropsych testing for adults, memory issues, psychotherapy with people with medical problems including breast cancer, spinal cord injury, chronic pain conditions.
2. Stephanie Brown, PhD (Menlo Park): addiction
3. Laura Seitel, PhD (Palo Alto): psychologist, depression